Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Great Giveaway a Scholarship to The Peru 2013 Adventure Reboot Retreat!

Great Giveaway a Scholarship to The Peru 2013 Adventure Reboot Retreat! You guys! Heather Thorkelson is back (didnt you just love her last post?!) with a mind-exploding-in-the-best-way-possible offer: a scholarship to her adventure retreat in Peru this April worth $848! Squee! The first couple of years of running your own creative business can be filled with a lot of If onlys. If only I was a better writer, then people could connect with me more easily If only I had someone who gets me to bounce these bazillion ideas off of If only I had enough time to take care of myself more so I wouldnt feel so maxed out If only I could get a break, just for a little bit, from building my business 24/7 If only… Because we know *exactly* what its like having gone through this ourselves, we created a  one-of-a-kind adventure retreat for female entrepreneurs  in Peru this April that will serve as your springboard for taking your small business to the next level.  This is where you get to: learn the writing tools you need to infuse more of YOU into your business participate in custom-tailored coaching exercises to rocket your confidence deliberate with a carefully curated group of ground-breaking entrepreneurs to make connections that will help you sustain grow your business get your mind-body connection ROCKING through morning chill-out yoga and afternoon kick-butt hiking experience the of adventure of a lifetime doing all this and more in a small village in the Sacred Valley of Peru This retreat is valued at $1697 and all spaces are filled, but were committed to helping early stage entrepreneurs quit the boom/bust cycle and get profitable fast.   So we decided to open up an extra space and offer a scholarship to one lucky reader of the When I Grow Up blog for 50% off the retreat price.  Yup!  You read correctly…get all this awesomesauce for $848 USD.   Youve got three days to enter the contest  the deadline is Friday, March 1st.  To enter, you need to complete all of the following steps: 1) Answer  the following question  in the comments section of this blog post:  What impact do you believe coming on this retreat will have on you and your business, and why is that important to you?  (Creative responses are encouraged poem, video, you name it!) 2) Sign up for my 7 Days of Reboot Tips on the  right hand side of my blog 3) Fill out the official application form on the  retreat page, or go directly to it  HERE. The winner will be chosen  by a panel of myself and my two retreat co-leaders based on a combination of best fit from the application process and most compelling answer in the comments below.  Join us in Peru this April and level up your awesome. ****** UPDATE: Our winner of the Peru 2013 Adventure Reboot Retreat Scholarship is Anne-Sophie Reinhardt!! Congratulations Anne-Sophie! And thank you so much to Heather for such a fabulous giveaway!

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