Saturday, December 28, 2019

8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers

8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers8 Habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers4If you look around at friends and acquaintances, youve probably noticed some who have no problem finding new positions when they need or want one. And if youre paying attention, youll recognize certain common traits that assist them in their searches.Here are eight habits that highly effective job seekers share and that you should develop when its time to explore the employment market1. Build personal networks.Networking doesnt come naturally to everyone, but if youre looking for a new gig, its absolutely essential. Reaching out to people online is great, but its even more important and powerful to make face-to-face connections with people in the industry in which you would like to work. Move out of your comfort zone, if you need to, but definitely take the time and make the effort to seek out these personal links. When it comes to landing a job, it really does come down to who you know.2. Recognize that seeking a job is your job.Obviously, this may be more complicated if youre looking for something new while youre still employed. However, if youre out of work, dedicate several hours every day to seeking new employment. Set a schedule for what youre going to do each day- networking, filling out applications, searching job sites- and then stick to it, just as you would follow a daily task list when employed. This will help you stay on track and make aya your organizational muscles dont atrophy.3. Be selective.When youre out of work, its tempting to apply for any job for which you are even remotely qualified. Resist that temptation. According to an article from Glassdoor, the best job seekers are selective about where they send their resumes, only applying for jobs for which they are at least 75% qualified. Being selective helps job seekers get through a hiring managers first cut, the article says. After all, if a hiring manager has the choice between a candidate who checks some of t he boxes and one who checks fruchtwein of the boxes, the cream will always rise to the top.4. Dont generalize.If you use one standard resume and one basic cover letter for every job application, youre doing it wrong. Employers want to hear how you can meet their specific needs, so you should take the time to tailor your documents accordingly. Remove irrelevant information and restate your responsibilities to match keywords found in the job description, suggests an article from Parker Staffing Services. Aligning your resume with their job duties shows that you were thoughtful enough to read through the posting (instead of applying to positions in bulk).5. Create and manage a personal brand.This includes everything from carefully curating how you present yourself in your resume and cover letter to building a robust and engaging profile on LinkedIn and other social media sites. You may even consider creating a personal website to explain your job history and provide specific examples o f your work. An effective job seeker makes it easy for potential employers to discover details and to start falling in love with their skill set before the first interview is even scheduled.6. Keep on learning.Your daily task list should include time for upgrading your skills or acquiring new ones. This time between jobs is a real opportunity to invest in this kind of education. If your industry requires being current in a specific technology, make sure you attend related seminars and training sessions, suggests an article from Maybe your line of work is being phased out or outsourced- successful job seekers tweak and accentuate their skillsets so they are able to pivot toward the next opportunity.7. Track your efforts.Expending physical, mental, and emotional energy on a job search can be draining- so much so that tracking all you do may feel like the last thing you want to add to your daily to-do list. However, successful job hunters make a point of doing just that, according to an article from CareerCast. The article notes that not only is it important to keep track of your efforts so application deadlines arent missed, but also, remembering what jobs youve applied to is critical so you can send the often neglected thank-you note or a follow-up to an employer you havent heard from in a while. Another great byproduct of tracking your efforts is the ability to create an audit trail of interactions you had along the way for each opportunity.8. Be patient, and dont get discouraged.The most effective job seekers keep in mind that looking for new employment takes time, effort, and resilience. Dont get down on yourself if your search is moving more slowly than youd like. Focus on the daily tasks of seeking work, reward yourself for small victories, and stay positive. This will help you move forward when small setbacks arise, and it will allow you to be pleasant and kind when interacting with prospective employers.Remember, the right job is out there, and you can find it. By developing these habits, you will be a highly effective job seeker, landing the right position and building your career into everything youve hoped it could be.abflug Your Search for a Flexible JobThis is a version of a post

Monday, December 23, 2019

Study Perfectionism is on the rise among millennials

Study Perfectionism is on the rise among millennialsStudy Perfectionism is on the rise among millennialsTheres a growing majority of workers entering the workforce accepting leidhing less than perfection. According to a new American Psychological Associationstudyof 41,641 American, Canadian, and British college millennials, the number of young people who are identifying as perfectionists has increased substantially over the last 27 years.The researchers found that college millennials who were surveyed between 1989 and 2016 tested higher in self-oriented perfectionism (where you tie your self-worth to your achievements), socially prescribed perfectionism (where you allow others expectations to dictate your own), and other-oriented perfectionism (where you demand people to rise up to meet your high standards).More recent generations of college students appear to be imposing more demanding and unrealistic standards on those around them than generations previous, the study states. We spe culate that this may be because, generally, American, Canadian, and British cultures have become more individualistic, materialistic, and socially antagonistic over this period, with young people now facing more competitive environments, more unrealistic expectations, and more anxious and controlling parents than generations before.While holding to yourself to a high standard can help you strive for success, perfectionism can also hold your career back when it becomes your only metric for success and satisfaction. Then perfectionism becomes an anxious fear or rejection and failure that prevents you from enjoying your career.How to stop being an unhealthy perfectionistTo stop your unhealthy perfectionist impulses, you need to identify your self-defeating beliefs.Perfectionists are often motivated by the limiting belief If I cannot do something perfectly, its not worth doing. You believe that you wont be respected at work if people find out that youre a flawed human being. Your entire identity is tied to whether or not a project or meeting goes well.Cognitive behavioral psychologist and therapist David D. Burns outlines how you can stop this anxiety from taking over your life in his book When Panic Attacks The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life.Identify and revise self-defeating beliefsBurns recommends writing down a cost-benefit analysis of all the ways perfectionism helps and hinders you. Your perfectionism plus column could include all the ways your colleagues admire your hardworking and conscientious attitude. Your minus column could include how people find you demanding, how you cannot stop worrying, and how you procrastinate on dreams if you believe you cannot get them done perfectly.When you identify self-defeating beliefs in your writing - If I make a mistake, everyone will hate me - try revising these anxious statements with ones that are weighted in reality, not fear. You could write down, as Burns suggests When I make a mistake or fall short of a goal, I dont need to feel ashamed or worthless. Theres always room for improvement. I can decide to view my mistakes as opportunities for learning and personal growth.These cost-benefits analysis are one approach to help you separate irrational fears from real ones. By changing how you think, you can change how you feel.If you revise the belief in a thoughtful way, you can have your cake and eat it, too, Burns writes. You wont have to give up anything you value or believe in. Youll develop a more robust and realistic value ordnungsprinzip that wont cave in on you when the going gets tough.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Not looking for a Job Right Now You Still Need a Personal Brand!

Not looking for a Job Right Now You Still Need a Personal Brand Not looking for a Job Right Now You Still Need a Personal Brand One of the most common assumptions that people make and that we find ourselves refuting day in and day out as recruiters is the assumption that personal branding and networking are tasksyouonly need to focus on when yourelooking for a job.Our lives are busy and only getting busier between work, family, and all the myriad forms of entertainment competing for our attention. Its no surprise, then, that people treat personal branding and networking as in-between-jobs activities. With so little time on our hands, of course we only think about gussying up our resumes and LinkedIn profiles when were looking to make career moves or changing circumstances launch us on the job hunt again.The fact is, its harder to accomplish solid personal branding when youre in between jobs. While we wouldnt suggest that personal branding or networking weremora important than wor k or family, we do think its easy to make continuously building your professional online presence a small part of your social media ritual. (Plus, its moreproductive than checking Facebook yet again today.) Its easier to find a job when youve put in the legwork and built your brand beforehand.Furthermore, having a solid personal brand on LinkedIn and other professional networks pays dividends even if youre the furthest thing from an active candidate Asolid personal brand will help your career in a number of ways that have nothing to do with looking for a job.LinkedIn Profiles Are Still the Most Valuable Personal Branding Tools for Most ProfessionalsLinkedIn faces some declining user engagement numbers, which is part of why many are hoping Microsoft will help right the ship following its relatively recent acquisition of the company. However, the network is still incredibly valuable, regardless of the challenges it facesMany people recognize that they should have a LinkedIn profile. U nfortunately, most of them make a bare-bones attempt and leave their profile almost empty for months, thinking that theyve checked off that box.But as weve written about quite a bit, those skeletal profiles can actually hurt your personal brand far more than they can help it.Here are just a few reasons why you shouldthink about building out your LinkedIn profile even if you arent looking for a job just yetStakeholders in your current job are checking your profile. Youre visible to vendors, negotiation partners, and coworkers in other departments. Astrong personal brand only helps your reputation within your current role.Your supervisors or higher-ups will take a look at your online presence when it comes to promotions. ALinkedIn profile with 15 connections, no picture, and no education or work history might send the message that youre not as committed to advancement in your career as you could be especially in customer-facing fields.If you have a great LinkedIn profile, youll show up in searches more often. We always bring this up in the context of hearing from recruiters, but put that aside for a moment. A great LinkedIn profile also means youre also more visible for networking and business development opportunities, possible speaking engagements, and other kinds of activities that will boost your career.A solid LinkedIn profile gives you stronger personal SEO. When someone Googles you, the first thing theyll see is a strong picture of who you are professionally.We understand that not everyone knows how to boost their personal brandor build out their LinkedIn profile. If youre finding it particularly difficult, consider reaching out to a consultant or career coach who can help.A version of this article originally appeared onthe Argentus blog.Bronwen Hann is a seasoned recruiter with 35 years of experience in the industry. She founded and currently runs Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Life Lessons from a Laid-Off Lawyer

Life Lessons from a Laid-Off LawyerLife Lessons from a Laid-Off LawyerPosted by Sara Clemence, Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Tips Recession Briefing 12.2 Downturn Breeds Vegetarians Screwed 564 at Bulgarian Railway Infrastructure Company

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Unusual Facts About Receptionist Resume Objective Revealed by an Old Pro

Unusual Facts About Receptionist Resume Objective Revealed by an Old Pro The Number One Question You Must Ask for Receptionist Resume Objective The receptionist resume is the principal supply of information for your employer. If you would like to apply as a receptionist, we can offer you with receptionist resume objectives which you may place in your professional profile. Conclusion To allow it to be simpler for your healthcare receptionist resume to get read, you are in need of a captivating career objective statement to begin it. Thus, the receptionist has to be in a position to operate standard computer computer software programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. You dont need to be certified or licensed to be a Medical Receptionist. Now you know how to craft an amazing Medical Receptionist resume, take a look at our Medical Receptionist cover letter sample to complete making your application materials. If you want more assistance, try out the resume builder, too. Possessing a strong resume objective will be able to help you get paralegal jobs. Highlight Your Special Skills Even in the fest the work post doesnt mention any technical abilities, in case you have them go up ahead and place it in your resume. Non-exempt workers are entitled to overtime. The part of a receptionist is quite crucial in any organization, and is frequently viewed as an entry level job that may change to a lot of administrative tasks as time progresses. Crafting the ideal receptionist resume objective takes time and a reasonable amount of thought and skill to receive it right. Thus, the receptionist has to be in a position to prioritize tasks and have them done dependent on their degree of importance. She must therefore be someone with the ability to work under pressure to get the job done. You can also take a look at the system to compose an official letter. Theres no need to employ some writing service to compose your resume when youre able to use resume tem plates to compose the ideal job-hunting tools. In reality, writing the reference list is nearly always unnecessary. Start with what you enjoy about the job and create your answer pertinent to the duties involved with the position youre applying for. Its also beneficial the applicant has worked in various varieties of businesses, which displays her capacity to adjust to new settings and shows she has the ability to tackle a front desk in any sort of business. Keep in mind that your resume is your very first line of defense in regards to landing your ideal job. Among the most prized skills in the administrative business is organization. Its also crucial that you adopt a resume format thats acceptable for veterinary receptionist applications. If you want to be a. Theres no need to apply specific accents like fancy font styles, colours or borders. Below is a great instance of receptionist resume that you may use as template in writing effective resumes that could take you get t hrough the door. If youre searching for a receptionist you should stick to some contemporary job hunting strategies.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Writing Software Review

The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Writing Software Review In addition, be sure that your resume is formatted well. Also, there arent any LinkedIn profile examples too, so its challenging to believe incredible quality they state. The Resume Writing Software Review Cover Up An appealing job objective will offer decent beginning to your resume. A professionally written resume can help you acquire the job which you need and the pay you deserve. It is difficult enough to find a great job without handicapping yourself. If you attempt to find CareerPerfect reviews online, youll locate few recommendations and several complaints. Keywords appear to be important in many facets of life today. Chronological resumes are perfect in case you have experience in the area and a couple of years of uninterrupted employment or whether youre a recent college grad. Explain to the employer why you are appropriate for the work position in a couple of words. Regardless of what the resume needs to say , the very first impression is already made. The summary should make it possible for the hiring anlass to set up a concise impression on the sort of individual the candidate is and the kind of work ethic they possess. Your job duties will change constantly and you must have the ability to demonstrate that youre a forward-thinking self-starter with vision and urge to implement innovative solutions to any problem that may emerge. If you cant locate a review on a certain company you want to know more about, I advise that you take a peek at our top rated resume writing tafelgeschirrs and pick one from the list. The list of services isnt extensive. Pay attention when you subscribe, however, because most services provide a number of different plans and a few plans limit the qualities or number of resumes youre able to create. Folks often blame the sheer volume of resumes which are submittedHR simply cant review all of them with enough detail to learn what an ideal candidate youre How to Find Resume Writing Software Review Online Resume objective is the initial section in the resume. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. Along with knowing what type of information to include, the website also helps users to write in a suitable method. If you would like a plain resume and you may write your own content, the tool will offer you the format. Resume Writing Software Review Options A software professional has a large scope for work. Following that, you have to spend money on the service to complete setup and download your resume. The program is web-based in place of downloadable, and the range of features, in addition to the websites connectivity and convenience, are difficult to beat. You may also carry out a web-based job search or earn a price of living comparison through its online offerings.